Jason Jeffey Testimonial

“I spent a fair amount of time trying to find an UW Videography program that i felt would be worth the time and money. What you typically find out there are people who are self taught, semi-professionals who do both still and video, often associated with a resort or with a liveaboard, who will give you some advice and tips. But I wanted a real course, with lessons, teaching materials and one on one coaching. LMA is just that.
You are learning from a real pro who has spent his career making films UW. It’s an actual course with well thought out lessons and materials. They don’t leave you on your own to dive and shoot and then give you pointers. Guy is working with you one on one, on top and below water, giving you constant coaching and correcting your (or at least my!) many mistakes as you learn and grow your skills.”

“I wanted a real course, with lessons, teaching materials and one on one coaching. LMA is just that. You are learning from a real Pro”

“Your experience starts when you first contact them where they will help you find appropriate accommodations and help with your travel logistics. Before you get there, you start with Guy on your learning journey, doing zoom classes covering both the basics of UW videography (exposure, composition, equipment, etc) as well as more advanced concepts like camera movements, shooting with transitions in mind, continuity and anticipating fish behavior (Guy has a wealth of knowledge of fish behavior)”

“On site, you do two dives in the AM with Guy by your side coaching and teaching you along the way. Then it’s back to your condo for lunch and getting your files ready for Guy’s review. Guy would come to the condo and we would spend 2-3 hours going over that day’s footage and critiquing exposure, composition, camera movement, alternative ways i could have gotten the shot. These sessions were invaluable, as you can see immediately what is and is not working for you and understand how you could have done it better. On three days we skipped diving and just focused on editing and assembling clips into a coherent story. In these sessions you learn the art of film making from a real pro. It was fantastic”

“In 10 days I went from a raw but enthusiastic hobby-ist to a very competent videographer. I learned so much and made so much improvement–way beyond my expectations. Guy is a great teacher and a fun guy to hang around with and dive together. I am already planning my trip back to Cozumel to do some more diving and 1:1 coaching with Guy to take my game up to an even higher level”