Anna Dimitriadis Testimonial

Professional Underwater Filmmaker Course Review by Anna Dimitriadis

Anna Dimitriadis at Liquid Motion Underwater Film Academy Cozumel

“Liquid Motion made me realise that my dream really was tangible.  The instruction during the Professional Underwater Filmmaker Career Course was just amazing.  And it worked perfectly as things began to fall in place and my shots were soon exactly what I visualised.

Guy taught me the core techniques of underwater cinematography, but also opened my eyes to the sheer scope of creative possibility when it comes to both film and photography.  He’s taught me to look at every environment I’m in and ask myself ‘how would I capture this moment?”

Anna Dimitriadis reviews Professional Underwater Filmmaker Course Liquid Motion Underwater Film Academy-1

“Liquid Motion made me realise that my dream really was tangible”

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“What brought me to the blissful Mexican island of Cozumel, on the other side of the world? Diving. And more to the point Liquid Motion Academy..”

“Liquid Motion equipped me with all the skills and creative flare that I need to work professionally, and  gave me an even larger spark of passion on my journey to becoming a Professional Underwater Filmmaker…”

About a year ago I decided I wanted a career change. Although filming along sunny European coastlines for UK TV has its perks, I quickly realised it wasn’t cutting it for my adventurous soul. Diving was something I first discovered at twelve years old, then rediscovered a few years ago and swiftly fell – head over fins – in love with. Combining a career where I could be underwater and utilise my camera-skills simultaneously seemed like a no-brainer

“My arrival to the stunning and warm waters of Cozumel in November 2020 was pure heaven. I had booked the course at Liquid Motion Academy five months in advance and Anita and I exchanged a number of in-depth and extremely informative emails, covering everything from what I wanted to achieve whilst on the course, to finding and booking the perfect accommodation. Discovering that Anita comes from a small village close to where my family come from and travels the world, diving, filming and living on remote islands made me realise that my dream really was tangible. Anita offered me the chance to stay for a full two-months, the first three weeks to do the full Professional Filmmaker Course and then to work with Liquid Motion for the rest of my stay as an intern. In under a week, my flights were booked.

We began by concentrating on camera theory. Guy constantly adapted and tailored the course to my level and although I imagined I had a good grasp of the basics – having worked with cameras for four years – I realised there was a lot of key knowledge that I was missing.

The course uses an extensive library of footage that Anita and Guy have developed over a lifetime of filming. Through this and a range of demonstrative videos, Guy built on the basis of my camera knowledge with underwater camera skills.

Guy showed me how to achieve different camera moves to make shots more visually exciting. He also demonstrated the importance of colour temperature whilst underwater – for example – how to remove the red tinge on marine subjects using cyan light filters.

He is extremely knowledgeable about all things camera and so he was able to answer any question I threw his way. (And I had a lot!).

Armed with my new knowledge, we began to plan our first dives.”


“Soon I began to see a huge improvement in my footage and I began making progress really fast!”

“The Professional Underwater Filmmaker Course is very hands-on, so for someone like me, who had dreamed of using a professional underwater camera, the chance to finally handle one was an exciting moment. Guy first demonstrated how to set up the camera with a vacuum, and how to assure that it was always in perfect working order before hitting the water. From then on, it was my job to set up the camera before each dive, assuring that I had a solid grasp on the checklist, one that makes the difference between flooding a camera worth thousands!”


“In the water, the camera was mine to experiment with.

After every dive, we reviewed my footage and I quickly realised that without perfect buoyancy control and smooth movements, my shots weren’t and wouldn’t be good enough, so for the first few dives, this was what I worked on. Soon I began to see a huge improvement in my footage and I began making progress really fast!

Guy allowed me total creative freedom, drawing my attention to any particularly screen-worthy creatures that he found, yet otherwise keeping a few meters away allowing me to work as I wished.”

“When reviewing my footage, I found that things had really begun to fall into place, and my shots were smooth.

Right at the end of one of my boat dives, I saw a shoal of Jacks in the distance and getting the nod from Guy, I powered in their direction. I even noticed a difference in myself, in terms of the way I approached the Jacks. Instead of heading straight towards them, I came from an angle in which I sensed that they would turn. It worked perfectly and my shots were exactly what I had visualised.

Guy taught me all the core techniques of underwater cinematography, and he also opened my eyes to the sheer scope of creative possibility when it comes to both film and photography. He’s taught me to look at every environment I’m in and ask myself ‘how would I capture this moment?’ One phrase that I will forever remember is – ‘this is Fish ID!’– in other words, an unimaginative profile shot of a fish, like one you might find in a fish identification book. Guy is always looking for something more stimulating in a shot, whether it’s in the way you light it, to the angle and framing, to how you will use it in post.

The most valuable part of my time at Liquid Motion Academy, was the constructive criticism I received. Perhaps the most French person I’ve ever met, both in terms of general attitude to the world and more-so the passion he has for his work, Guy’s not afraid to give you the honest truth and he’ll keep working with you until you get it right.”

Anna Dimitriadis at Liquid Motion Underwater Film Academy Cozumel

“Once I had completed the course, I began my internship, working alongside Guy and Anita on their current projects. This ranged from creating and editing content for their website and YouTube channel, to shooting their sponsorship films for corporate clients. Creating both topside and underwater videos, from storyboarding all the way to colour correcting and foley, I was able to gain a solid knowledge of the entire creative and technical process. This was invaluable experience and it made me realise the importance of planning every shot in advance. If not, I’d get to the edit and find that something wasn’t quite fitting together.

Being given complete creative freedom in the first four weeks arguably taught me more valuable lessons than in my previous four years of working in the strictly formatted world of day-time television.

“The Academy equipped me with all the skills and creative flare that I need to work professionally, and it has also given me an even greater spark of passion on my journey to becoming a Professional Underwater Filmmaker.

Thank you so much!”


“Guy taught me all the core techniques of underwater cinematography, and he also opened my eyes to the sheer scope of creative possibility when it comes to both film and photography. He’s taught me to look at every environment I’m in and ask myself ‘how would I capture this moment?’ “


Recent Work

"Liquid Motion’s combined decades of real world experience creates a practical and powerful learning crucible for the aspiring underwater cameramen and working professional alike. You learn far more than underwater camera techniques. You learn how to succeed. Every professional has their “Book of Secrets”. Anita and Guy are sharing their lifetime of experience, and this is just one example of that wisdom. Think “Tailored Master Class”: One-on-one training in the beautiful tropical blue Cozumel Marine Park ?”

John Ellerbrock

“Truly enlightened teaching that raises the bar. There is absolutely no substitute for one-on-one personalized instruction delivered hands-on by a Master… The Academy provides truly enlightened teaching, delivered by a teacher and world-leading artist, who has a unique ability to convey his techniques and sensibilities, both “topside” and underwater and whose passion for his work is clear. Every detail was tailored to me, and focused always on what, to me, is most important. The pace was always tailored to my personal interests, aptitude and energy. I learnt more than I could ever imagine. There is absolutely no comparison."

Jeremy Cohen

"Liquid Motion’s Underwater Film Courses are unique in the world. Tailored to the needs of the student, mine covered every aspect of UW film production and camera work. The instructor, Guy Chaumette is a world-famous Artist, committed to the success of every student. This course made a huge impact on my UW film making career”

Dan Bailey

“I chose Liquid Motion Academy over The L.A. Film School, because I wanted to learn more than just Filmmaking; I wanted to learn the art of film – stories, creation with freedom, how to portray emotion, how to make a difference. It’s incredible how much I learnt about filmmaking and photography, on land and underwater, in such a short time! I highly recommend LMA to anyone, it was a uniquely productive journey, and an amazing, highly personalised experience, that quickly led me to a career in the industry”

Karan Saini

“I learnt more in 9 days than I have ever learned by myself in 50 years – and I did not even have to read a manual!. The opportunity to learn what I did with the people I did made the trip a once in a life time event”….

Steve Cohen

“I’ve been on trips and courses with ‘Professional Underwater Videographers’ over the years, but they have never even approached this high level of education and learning. The experience with Liquid Motion has been amazing! The training was 100% the best. Guy is always at your disposal, diving for you, not just with you, and a constant source of incredible information. He knew right away where I could improve, and completely adapted to my specific needs. I have never learnt so much in such a short time!….”

Bernat Garrigos

"As a professional, I learnt more in the past week than I have in the last 10 years! The film programs are about so much more than just the technical. They are about the difference between video footage and film.."

Tim Kirkpatrick

“The philosophy of the Academy was different than anything I’ve ever experienced before. Really there are no words to describe the inspired learning and joy I felt about this trip. Anita & Guy were so attentive and their passion and enthusiasm shines through all they do. Guys mission is your success. He is a wealth of information and he eagerly shares his vast expertise. It was an inspiring, life-changing experience. I can’t wait to come back and work with Guy and Anita again!”..

Pec Indman

“My Hollywood-based company specialises in underwater filming, and being up to date with all the latest and best skills are vital to my business. Liquid Motion’s Guy Chaumette is considered by most as one of the very best Filmmakers in the profession. I was honoured to dive and film alongside him. He helped me hone my diving techniques, and gave a me a new set of camera and film skills that I will use for life. If you are looking for valued, trusted, completely professional underwater cinematography training, Liquid Motion Academy is the only place to go…”

Nigel Hudson

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