Internationally Acclaimed – Globally Exclusive – Scientist-Endorsed – PADI-Endorsed
Liquid Motion Exclusive Marine Life Course
Do fish have feelings? How do they communicate? What do they really see?
Can marine animals feel pleasure?
How do they find a mate?
Originally designed to capitalise on dive time for Photographers & Filmmakers, the internationally acclaimed ‘Fish Behaviour’ Specialty Course is completely exclusive to Liquid Motion and the ultimate eye-opener for anyone with an interest in underwater natural history and animal behaviour.
Feeding, mating, courtship, building a home, egg laying, territorial displays.. learn to understand the animals behaviour, anticipate what is really going on and be ready to ‘capture’ the action, before it happens.
“Someone suggested we try the unique Fish Behaviour Course created by Guy, world renowned Filmmaker, to complement our underwater photography classes. My wife and I were both incredibly surprised as to how interesting it was. The theory we discussed in the classroom was fascinating and so much about what we “unknowingly” witnessed underwater on our dives! Before the course, we had absolutely no idea what the fish were really doing! This truly opened our eyes, and was a powerful revelation about what we were really seeing”.
Enoka Shivantha
“This is a truly excellent class from the perspective of content, media, format, time, value and knowledge transfer. It creates awareness of fish behaviour, that adds a new dimension to snorkling and diving and makes the ordinary very interesting. We highly recommend this class to anyone”.
Michael De Silva & Rita Mills
How do fish talk to each other? ….
Do they nurture their young?
Why are females different sizes to males?
Objectives and Content
The objectives are the development of a basic understanding of the behavioural aspects of marine life, from sensory systems, feeling and communication to feeding, seeking a mate and reproduction. Special emphasis is placed on symbiosis, mimicry, and the differing feeding strategies of marine animals, as well as a review of cooperation versus competition in the grand scheme of evolution.
Learning Outcomes
Students are provided with a comprehensive knowledge of marine life behaviour and a heightened sense of marine life awareness. The course also aims at adapting diving habits to a more purposeful approach, allowing the diver to develop the anticipation of behavioural attitudes, that is so crucial to photographers and filmmakers.
An eye opener, showing you an entirely new way to see marine animals and developing a marine life awareness second to none.
(PADI distinctive, Science-endorsed)
Course Description
This highly endorsed, distinctive specialty course is a 3-hour, media-rich presentation, exclusive to Liquid Motion, and provides broad training in all aspects of fish behaviour.
Limited to 6 participants, the course is taught privately by the internationally acclaimed Author, who is an award-winning Cinematographer and leading expert in marine life, biology and behaviour. The result of a lifetime studying and filming animals on the coral reef, this is a fun presentation, which is illustrated by photos and movies designed and presented by the multiple award-winning Author. (Read More about the Author).
The Fish Behaviour Specialty Corse is a must for Filmmakers, Photographers and anyone interested in nature, marine life and animal behaviour.
The presentation is followed by 2 optional, privately guided Fish Behaviour dives, which can be taken independently (and must be completed to get the certification).
Can Fish feel pain?…